
lawyer for accident car
lawyer for accident car
Every time a driver gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, he or she is accepting responsibility for the safety of everyone else on the road. Accidents can and do happen. According to the latest statistics from the Illinois Department of Transportation, in 2012 there were 886 people killed in Illinois car accidents, and over 60,000 people were injured. When a driver's negligent behaviors or careless actions lead to the serious injury or death of another person, the negligent driver must be held accountable.
Since 1992, Levin & Perconti has helped people who have been seriously injured in accidents seek justice and the compensation they deserve. If you have suffered a serious or life-altering injury that required hospitalization and/or extensive rehabilitation, or if you lost a loved one as a result of another driver's mistakes, call us at 312-332-2872 for a free consultation to discuss your potential case with a Chicago car accident attorney.
Our Chicago accident lawyers represent clients who have suffered significant and life-changing personal injuries or lost a loved one in all types of accident cases including:
Such motor vehicle accidents include those involving drunk or hit and run drivers, uninsured or underinsured drivers, as well as accidents occurring from motor vehicle, SUV and semi-tractor trailer collisions and rollovers.
We also represent people who are seriously injured in car accidents, collisions or crashes resulting from defective products or design in automobiles and trucks, such as defective seat belts, tires or gas tanks
Injuries suffered as a result of these types of accidents can be severe and life altering. You may have suffered head injuries, nerve damage or spinal cord paralysis, broken or dislocated a bone or limb, or even lost the use of a limb. Our firm understands that your immediate goals after going through such trauma are to get your medical bills paid and covered, make sure you do not suffer financially through any lost wages, and make sure your insurance company will pay for future treatment relating to your injury.
The Chicago accident lawyers of Levin & Perconti have successfully handled nearly every type of motor vehicle negligence case and recovered millions of dollars in Illinois accident verdicts and settlements for victims and their families, including a record-setting $10 million pedestrian accident settlement against the City of Chicago
During your free initial consultation, our experienced Illinois car accident attorneys will discuss your situation and go over the options available to you, as well as work with insurance companies and other parties involved in your case to make sure all your needs are handled quickly and appropriately.